Due to the size and weight of the original costume, there were stringent physical requirements for the job.  Applicants needed to be 5’11” to 6’2” and weigh 175 to 210 pounds.  They needed to be in good physical shape and free of knee trouble.  At first, only one student served as Cy.  As time went on an assistant was added.  Today, Cy is performing in public about 200 days a year, and  four to six students share mascot duties.  Physical attributes are not as important today, as the costume is now available in three sizes.



Dick Mead and his alter ego.  1956



Dick Mead gets an assist from Sonya Sondergaard Carlson and Chuck Benson. 1956.




Cy “disassembled” at the Missouri game.  1989 



The first female student to fill Cy’s shoes was Betsy Thomas Bailey in 1975. 


Here she is featured in the 1977 Bomb yearbook.


The Cymobile and the 1991-1992 Mascot Squad.  1991.