In early May 1970, thousands of Iowa State University students gathered to protest the expanding war in Vietnam and Southeast Asia and the killing of four unarmed students on the campus of Kent State University. This photographic essay seeks to document significant events of the first week in May 1970 on the ISU campus and in Ames, Iowa, utilizing photographs selected from the archives of the Iowa State University Library, Special Collections Department, excerpts of reports from the university newspaper, the Iowa State Dailyand summaries from a chronological account of these and other events presented in a masters thesis that analyzed the newspaper and its portrayal of events during the 'radical' decade, 1966-1975. In addition, selected quotes and excerpts from the university yearbook, Bomb, for 1970, have been incorporated.

These accounts are augmented by links to the full text of interview transcripts of select key individuals who were directly  involved in the events of May 1970.