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History of Iowa State
Sponsored by the University Archives, Iowa State University Library Copyright 2006
Seaman Asahel Knapp Seaman Asahel Knapp was born December 16, 1833, in northern New York. At
sixteen, he attended the Troy Conference Academy (Green Mountain College) at
Poultney, Vermont, where he met his wife. He graduated from Union College in
Schenectady, New York, in 1856 with Phi Beta Kappa honors. Knapp and his wife
went to Fort Edward Collegiate Institute where they both took teaching positions
and Mr. Knapp soon became Vice-President (1856-1863). He later served as the
assistant manager (1864-1865) of the Ripley Female College (Green Mountain
College). In 1866, Knapp and his family traveled west to Iowa.
Resources available online
Asahel Knapp Papers
RS 2/2