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History of Iowa State
Sponsored by the University Archives, Iowa State University Library Copyright 2006
Nellie May Naylor A longtime faculty member remembered by many, Nellie May
Naylor (1885-1992) was the second woman to hold such a rank in the Chemistry
Department at lowa State University (then lowa State College). Born in Clear
Lake, lowa, Naylor received a B.A. (1908) from the State University of lowa
(University of lowa in lowa City), an M.S. (1918) from lowa State College, and a
Ph.D. (1923) from Columbia University. She started teaching at lowa State as a
Chemistry Assistant in 1909, after one year as a Clear Lake Public School
teacher. Except for when she was studying elsewhere, Naylor remained at lowa
State until 1955, when she retired as Associate Professor of Chemistry. She was
a member of many professional societies, most notably the lota Sigma Pi, of
which she was an active participant, enduringly involved. |
Resources available online
RS 16/6/51
Twentieth Century Women of Iowa State University Archives, Iowa State University Library