Anna Richardson
Anna Euretta Richardson was born September 5, 1883, to William and Euretta
Richardson. She received her Bachelor of Science degree (1903) from the Peabody
College for Teachers. Richardson went on to study at the University of Chicago
for a year, before deciding to teach. From 1905-1910, she taught in a variety of
public and private schools. Richardson went back to school and received her
Master's degree (1911) from Columbia University. After graduating, she started
the home economic program at Agnes Scott College for Women. She was there a year
before moving to Texas. She worked at the University of Texas until 1917, when
she joined the Federal Board for Vocational Education. She left the Federal
Board by 1922, to join Iowa State College (University) as Dean of the Home
Economics Division.
While at Iowa State Dean Richardson added several faculty positions and also
expanded the number of courses offered. A nursery school was established during
her tenure, as was the addition to the Home Economics Building (McKay Hall). The
Experiment Station research in home economics was organized and initiated during
her administration as well.
Dean Richardson gave many lectures and wrote several professional papers and
reports, including a bulletin called, Child Development and Parental Education
in Home Economics. Dean Richardson served on many committees and boards, she was
a member of: Sigma Xi, Phi Kappa Phi, Sigma Delta Epsilon, Omicron Nu, Phi
Upsilon Omicron, and Mortar Board.
After leaving Iowa State in 1926, Dean Richardson became a field worker in child
development and parental education for the American Home Economics Association.
In 1930, the University of Maryland gave her an honorary doctor of science
Dean Richardson died of heart failure in February of 1931.