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History of Iowa State
Sponsored by the University Archives, Iowa State University Library Copyright 2006
James "Tama Jim" Wilson James Wilson (1835-1920) was born in Ayrshire, Scotland, the first of 14
children. The family emigrated to the U.S. in 1851, settling in Connecticut, but
moved to a farm near Traer in Tama County, Iowa in 1855. During his early years
in Iowa, James attended Grinnell College, began farming, married Esther Wilbur
in 1863, and edited the Traer Star-Clipper. He was elected to the Iowa
legislature, then to three terms in the U. S. House of Representatives. In
Congress he served on the Committee on Agriculture and the Rules Committee, and
acquired the nickname "Tama Jim" to distinguish him from Senator James Falconer
Wilson ("Jefferson Jim") also from Iowa.
Resources available online
RS 9/1/11 Iowa State University, Department of Animal Science
Des Moines Register
Tama Jim Wilson served as Secretary of Agriculture (1897-1913) under three
presidents (McKinley, Roosevelt, and Taft).