21 October 1988
"I had vaguely known of Cecil
Rhodes long before I knew of the scholarship; after all, Rhodesia was
named after him.
As I became aware of the scholarship and his legacy in the political and
social landscape of Southern Africa, it seemed
that the scholarship (the result of the interpretation of his will by
the Rhodes trustees) was the only defensible thing
he ever did. When I applied for, and received, the scholarship,
the irony of a black woman receiving the scholarship named for a man who
was a white supremacist, and at best, indifferent to women, was not
lost." Visions Magazine, Summer 1989
9 December 1988
Having survived my first term here,
I'm not yet certain if I will survive
the Bodleian Library (founded in 1320, and containing 5 million
volumes)...The first obstacle is determining what one wants. There
is no subject catalog, so
one must locate the book by author. The catalog is divided
three parts: the pre-1920 catalog, the catalog from 1920 to the
mid-1980s, and the optimistically titled "Interim catalog for
acquisitions since the mid-1980s." After locating the book,
one has only to fill out an order slip, wait two hours and it's yours to
read in the Library--Bodleian is not a lending library.