Student Life

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University Archives, Iowa State University Library
Copyright 2006
The Iowa Agricultural College/Iowa State University
yearbook, the Bomb
was published annually from 1893 to 1994, with the exception of 1902.
The junior class produced the yearbook from 1891 to 1925, when the
senior class took over with their own special 1925 special edition.
The origin of the yearbook's title is explained in the 1895 edition; "The first thought that comes to mind at the mention of the name"Bomb" is that of an instrument of war, exploding and causing
destruction amongst enemies. But a bomb is occasionally put to a much
pleasanter use than that of an engine of destruction. One form is used
as a means of conveying messages to distant friends. Our Bomb agrees
with such a definition also. Its mission is to awaken pleasant
reminiscences in the minds of the alumni, and to convey to them
information regarding all their brother graduates."
In 1968, the Government of the Student Body set up a five-year plan to
make the Bomb financially independent and made their last regular
allocation in 1971. During the 1980s and early 1990s the yearbook
suffered with decreased sales, poor financial management, and a contract
dispute with an outside vendor. By 1989 the yearbook had accumulated a
$17,000 budget deficit. The deficit grew to $90,000 in five years, and
in April 1995 the university administration announced that no future
yearbooks would be produced at Iowa State University until a sustainable
plan was developed.
Available online:
The Bomb 1894
The Bomb 1895