of the bells |

Tenor bell (first to be placed)
August 19, 1929 |

The 2nd (D) bell comes down
July 19, 1929 |

View from campanile
July 26, 1929In the background: Botany Hall (now
Catt Hall), center
The old bells are all out but the debris & some of the
wooden framework are apparent.

View from campanile
n.d.Taken from the northeast corner. Memorial
Union in the distance. |

Bell rising in the tower
August 19, 1929Air pressure was booted to 95#, but
twice on the way up it was necessary to wait for the pressure to rebuild.
In the distance, Botany Hall (now Catt Hall)

Installing the bells
August 19, 1929Easing the package off the hoist outs
an intermediate platform with a differential hoist and rollers. |

The tenor bell
August 19, 1929This load with several men was rocked
up and down to test the hoist. |

The hoist shaft
n.d.The carriage is six square feet; the shaft is of
4x4s braced with 2x6s; 8 foot sections; 96-100 feet high. |