VEISHEA Queen of Queens

VEISHEA Queen of Queens, Eleanor Rickman, and her attendants, Mirm Keilman,
Dorthea Kuschmann, Joan
Weinhardt, and Pat Hussey
VEISHEA's Queen of Queens
reigned from 1938, when Mary Janet McDonald was crowned, to 1970 when the
tradition was discontinued. The
queen was selected from the numerous campus queens, such as the Engineer's
Lady, Harvest Queen, Veterinary Queen, Pep Queen, Honorary Cadet Colonel, and
the Four Bomb Beauties. The
queen's attendants were also selected from this group. During the 1940s, several well-known actors had the honor of choosing the
queen, including Bob Hope, Bing Crosby, and Cary Grant. In 1970, Joyce Stout was the last to be crowned VEISHEA Queen of Queens.

Janet McDonald, first VEISHEA
of Queens, 1938

Stout, last VEISHEA
of Queens, 1970
VEISHEA Queen of Queens
Year |
Queen |
1938 |
Mary Janet McDonald |
1939 |
Kathryn Cooley |
1940 |
Doris Detjen |
1941 |
Marjorie Kenfield |
1942 |
Marian Allen |
1943 |
Dorothy Isaacson |
1944 |
Margaret Ann Svenson |
1945 |
Olive Kelsey |
1946 |
Annabelle McQuown |
1947 |
Jane Thomas |
1948 |
Barbara Berry |
1949 |
Eleanor Rickman |
1950 |
Joan Ary |
1951 |
Barbara McWhorter |
1952 |
Carol Fisher |
1953 |
Donna Schuster |
1954 |
Nancy Combs |
1955 |
Marilyn Blom |
1956 |
Diana Baker |
1957 |
Virginia Stuck Dorn |
1958 |
Darlene Mote |
1959 |
Karen Johnson |
1960 |
Barbara Kurtz |
1961 |
Leslie Grahm |
1962 |
Barbara Haugen |
1963 |
Kay Kalosha |
1964 |
Karen Wulfsberg |
1965 |
Kathryn Williams |
1966 |
Adele Berry |
1967 |
Jane Hendrikson |
1968 |
Linda Phillips |
1969 |
Nancy Chase |
1970 |
Joyce Stout |