English Office Building, no date |
Built: 1884
Addition: 1892 |
Originally designed for the President's, Secretary's, and Treasurer's
offices, the Office Building cost just over $3,000. The addition, built 8 years later cost
just under $4,000. By 1908, the administrator's offices had moved to Beardshear Hall, and the college bookstore occupied the first
floor of the Office Building and the head of the military department, the second. Later,
the Music Department moved in and then out, into their own building, the
Maples, in 1928. After the Music Department vacated, the second floor was renovated to
office space for the English Department. The name was changed to the English Office
Building in 1940. The E.O. Building was renovated again in 1961, and in 1973, the English
and Speech Departments relocated to Ross and Pearson Halls, and the office of
International Educational Services also used the building. The College of Business housed faculty there.
The building was razed in 2004. |
Additional images of the English Office Building
click for larger view |
English Office
Building, 1947. |
English Office
Building, 1904. |
English Office
Building, 1971. |
History of
Campus Buildings at Iowa State University
Comments: University Archives
Created by: Andrea Reis, Research/Technical Assistant & Jill Osweiler
Schaefer, Special Collections Librarian
Updated by: Michele Christian,
University Records Analyst