Water Tower, 1897
WATER TOWER Built: 1897 |
decision to build the Water Tower came in 1895, one year after a severe water shortage
forced the cancellation of classes. It was the first elevated steel water tower west of
the Mississippi. Standing 168 feet above campus, the tank itself was 40 feet tall and 24
feet in diameter and held 162,000 gallons. The use of the Water Tower was discontinued in
1978 when the university switched to a city water system. It was placed on the National
Register of Historic Places in 1981, and in 1987, it was restored. In
2007, the American Water Works Association presented an award to
Iowa State University, naming the Marston Water Tower, an
"American Water Landmark." |
Additional images of the Water Tower
click for larger view |
Water Tower
March 22, 1897. |
Water Tower, no
date. |
Water Tower, no
date. |
History of
Campus Buildings at Iowa State University
Comments: University Archives
Created by: Andrea Reis, Research/Technical Assistant & Jill Osweiler
Schaefer, Special Collections Librarian
Updated by: Michele Christian,
University Records Analyst