Farm House, no date. |
FARM HOUSE Built: 1860-1865 |
The Farm House was the first building built on the new college land. It was
built by day labor, and the bricks used were made on site. The first tenant was William A.
Fitzpatrick, from 1861-1863, and since then 17 families have lived in the house. In 1909,
a stucco coating was used over the original brick. In 1965, the building was placed on the
National Register of Historic Landmarks. Extensive repair and restoration to its 1900-1910
appearance began in 1972. In 1999, the roof was repaired, the west porch was restored, and
new stucco was applied. |
Additional images of Farm House
click for larger view |
Farm House, no
date. |
Farm House,
1908. |
Farm House,
1911. |
Farm House,
1932. |
Farm House,
1974. |
History of
Campus Buildings at Iowa State University
Comments: University Archives
Created by: Andrea Reis, Research/Technical Assistant & Jill Osweiler
Schaefer, Special Collections Librarian
Updated by: Michele Christian,
University Records Analyst